Hi, my name is Hanif Al Irsyad
I'm the Go-Lang BE and AI Engineer.

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About Me

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I am a Bachelor of Informatics student with a strong passion for becoming a proficient Go-Lang Backend Engineer specializing in AI development. My primary focus lies in harnessing artificial intelligence to optimize data processing and analysis.

As I advance through my degree program, I am dedicated to honing my skills in both Go-Lang programming and AI technologies. My goal is to stay at the forefront of advancements in these fields, continuously expanding my expertise to become a valuable asset in the realm of AI engineering.

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Go-Lang Projects


AmikomPedia is a social media platform that we developed with the aim of providing a fun and rewarding social interaction experience for its users. With advanced features and a user-friendly interface, AmikomPedia allows users to connect, share content, and interact in various forms, from status posts, photos, videos, to group chats.

DashBoard API

Simple CRUD for Dashboard API using Go-Lang and MySQL.

Folder Structures

This project is a simple folder structure for Go-Lang projects.

To-DoList API

Simple CRUD for To-DoList API using Go-Lang and MySQL.

Motivation API

Simple CRUD for Motivation API using Go-Lang and MySQL.


Simple CRUD for API using Go-Lang and MySQL.

AI Engineer Projects

Capstone - Reccoffee

RECCOFEE is a website used to provide recommendations for coffee types based on user preferences. but not only that, we also provide information about coffee drinks and provide features for purchasing quality coffee beans.

Capstone - DietCare

DietCare is an application to assist users in choosing healthy food recommendations in conducting a diet program, providing a recommendation system based on the nutrients of food or from the calories of a food.

Project Data Analytics

This project aims to analyze data on the E-Commerce Public Dataset. The end goal is to generate useful insights and information from the analyzed data.

Calculating the value of employee stock options

This project is created to make it easier to calculate the value of employee stock options with the black scholes formula

Research Project

This project was created to conduct research on Natural Language Processing (Text Classification) of disaster tweets with my lecturer.

Custommer Segmentation

This project was made for the assessment of the final exam of my college semester by creating a machine learning model.

Sentiment Analysis

This project was made for the assessment of the final exam of my college semester by creating a machine learning model.

Topic Modeling

This project was made for the assessment of the final exam of my college semester by creating a machine learning model.

Logistic Regression (PySpark)

This project was made for the assessment of the final exam of my college semester by creating a machine learning model.

Recommendation System (Netflix)

This project was made for the assessment of the final exam of my college semester by creating a machine learning model.

Classification of Rice Type Images

This project was made for the assessment of the final exam of my college semester by creating a machine learning model.


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